I work as a Research Assistant Professor for Behavioral Research and Teaching, a grant-based center in the College of Education at the University of Oregon. My career in research began in measurement and psychometrics and I still do consulting work in that area. However, my research focus has mostly moved towards data science applications in education. In other words, I am interested in the intersection of computer programming and statistics, as applied to large-scale data, to understand features of the educational system. I am particularly interested in large-scale and systematic inequities, various drivers of these inequities, and their manifestation in education. This blog, however, is almost entirely focused on my coding work. I have led the design, development, and teaching of a five course educational data science specialization. I hope to use this website to help illustrate topics, as well as share things I think are interesting/relevant. I work primarily in R, and the majority of the code in this blog is R code. You can see my professional bio here and my vita here.