class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Exploring and Visualizing School Achievement and School Effects ### Daniel Anderson
Joseph Stevens ### 04/16/18 --- # Introduction * Much recent focus on open data in research generally * Open data tend to be rare in educational research + Privacy concerns .footnote[Slides available at [](] -- .Large[.bolder[.center[NCLB Required Publicly Available Data]]] -- * School-level data * Percent proficent in each of at least four proficiency categories * Disaggregated by student subgroups --- # Making Comparisons .pull-left[ ### Want * Compare differences in achievement between student groups + .grey[.smaller[(i.e., evaluate acheivement gaps)]] * Understand overall differences between groups ] -- .pull-right[ ### Problem * Data have been "coarsened" * Percent proficient comparisons do not work well<sup>.gray[.tiny[(1)]]</sup> ] .footnote[.gray[(1)] Ho, A. D. [(2008)]( The problem with “proficiency”: Limitations of statistics and policy under No Child Left Behind. *Educational Researcher*, *37*, 351-360.] --- # Working with Coarsened Data .footnote[Slides available at [](] * Simulate some data from two distributions + Group 1: `\(n = 200\)`, `\(\mu = 200\)`, `\(\sigma = 10\)` + Group 2: `\(n = 500\)`, `\(\mu = 210\)`, `\(\sigma = 8\)` * Cut Scores: 190, 205, 215 .gray[.tiny[(totally made up)]] <img src="anderson_pres_ncme18_files/figure-html/sim-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Reardon & Ho Method<sup>.gray[.tiny[(2)]]</sup> * Calculate the empirical CDF of each distribution * Pair the ECDFs * Calculate the area under the paired curve * Transform it to an effect-size measure (standard deviation units) .footnote[(2) Reardon, S. F., & Ho, A. D. [(2015)]( Practical issues in estimating achievement gaps from coarsened data. *Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics*, *40*, 158–189.] -- .pull-left[ ![](anderson_pres_ncme18_files/figure-html/sim_ecdf-1.png)<!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ ![](anderson_pres_ncme18_files/figure-html/sim_pp-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- # Transformation to effect size .footnote[Slides available at [](] .Large[ $$ V = \sqrt{2}\Phi^{-1}(AUC) $$ ] * `\(V\)` = Cohen's `\(d\)` under the assumption of respective normality * In this case, Cohen's `\(d\)` = -1.08 and `\(V\)` = -1.07. -- ### Why does this all matter? -- * If we know the proportion of students scoring at multiple points in the scale, we can approximate the ECDF. * We can use the approximated ECDFs to estimate `\(V\)` --- # Simulated example again .footnote[Slides available at [](] ### proportions <img src="anderson_pres_ncme18_files/figure-html/props-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse # Purpose -- * Evaluate `\(V\)` with empirical data -- + Compare estimates from full data and manually coarsened data. Compare results to Cohen'd `\(d\)` estimated with full data. -- * Apply these methods to publicly available data to investigate between-school differences in achievement gaps -- + Specifically using geo-spatial mapping, overlaying data about the surrounding area --- class: inverse middle center # Data Sources --- # Student-level .footnote[Slides available at [](] * National Center on Assessment and Accountability in Special Education ([NCAASE]( + Large inter-state collaborative * Secure data * Data for this study included all student records in reading and mathematics across Grades 3-8 in the 2012-13 school years + ~37,000 students + ~62% White, 25% Hispanic/Latino, 5% Multiethnic --- # Publicly available data .footnote[Slides available at [](] Oregon and California * Percentage scoring in each proficiency category by school .pull-left[ ### California Available from two different websites (see [here]( and [here]( ![](anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/ca_web.png) ] .pull-right[ ### Oregon Available from statewide website (see [here]( Assessment-Group-Reports.aspx)) ![](anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/or_web.png) ] --- # Census Data .footnote[Slides available at [](] * Geographic coordinates of **census tracts** for Alameda county + Areas with between approximately 1,200 to 8,000 people, with an optimum size of 4,000 people * American Community Survey: 2016 + Median Housing Cost + Number of individuals identifying as Black + Number of individuals with income to poverty ration > 2.0 --- # Procedures .footnote[Slides available at [](] ### Comparing Effect Sizes * Estimate *`V`* by school in Oregon + Full data and manually coarsened data * Estimate Cohen's `\(d\)` by school in Oregon * Compare all estimates -- .pull-left[ `\(V_c\)` = `\(V\)` continuous data estimate ] .pull-right[ `\(V_d\)` = `\(V\)` discrete data estimate ] --- # Evaluating Achievement Gaps .footnote[Slides available at [](] * Use publicly available data * Evaluate distribution of school-level achievement gaps + Black-White achievement gap in California + Hispanic-White achievement gap in Oregon * Follow-up with geographic investigations of school-level achievment gaps for Alameda county + Overlay census tract information to visually examine geo-spatial relations --- class: inverse center middle # Results --- # Comparing `\(V_c\)` and `\(d\)` .footnote[Slides available at [](] Both continuous: `\(r = 0.87/0.86\)`. ![](anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vd_bivariate_continuous.png) --- .footnote[Slides available at [](] .pull-left[ ### Comparing `\(V_d\)` and `\(d\)` .center[ `\(r = 0.73/0.72\)` ] <img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vd_bivariate_discrete.png" height = 450/> ] .pull-right[ ### Comparing `\(V_c\)` and `\(V_d\)` .center[ `\(r = 0.83/0.89\)` ] <img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vv_bivariate.png" height = 450/> ] --- ## Distribution of differences: `\(V_c\)` and `\(d\)` .footnote[Slides available at [](] .pull-left[ .center[ `\(\mu = -0.12, \sigma = 0.15\)` ] ] .pull-right[ .left[ `\(\mu = -0.16, \sigma = 0.16\)` ] ] <img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vd_distributions_continuous.png" height = 375/> --- .footnote[Slides available at [](] .pull-left[ ### Comparing `\(V_d\)` and `\(d\)` .center[ `\(\mu = -0.10/-0.13, \sigma = 0.21/0.23\)` ] <img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vd_distributions_discrete.png" height = 425/> ] .pull-right[ ### Comparing `\(V_d\)` and `\(V_c\)` .center[ `\(\mu = 0.02/0.03, \sigma = 0.17/0.15\)` ] <img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/vv_distributions.png" height = 425/> ] --- class: inverse center middle # Substantive Investigations --- # Achievement Gap Distributions .footnote[Slides available at [](] .grey[Reminder: School-level Distributions] <center><img src = "./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/img/school_achievement_gaps.png" height = 425/></center> --- # Alameda County ### Median Housing Cost .footnote[Slides available at [](] <iframe seamless src="./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/maps/alameda_housing.html" width="100%" height="425"></iframe> --- # Alameda County ### `\(n\)` Identifying as Black .footnote[Slides available at [](] <iframe seamless src="./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/maps/alameda_black.html" width="100%" height="425"></iframe> --- # Alameda County ### `\(n\)` Income/Poverty Ratio > 2.0 .footnote[Slides available at [](] <iframe seamless src="./anderson_pres_ncme18_files/maps/alameda_poverty.html" width="100%" height="425"></iframe> --- # Conclusions * Effect size appeared well estimated from coarsened data + `\(V\)` was similar to Cohen's `\(d\)` with these, empirical data * The vast majority, but not all, schools had sizeable estimated achievement gaps * Clear geographic clustering of achievement gaps was evident + Did Not appear to depend on the Census data investigated here .footnote[Slides available at [](] --- class: inverse center middle # Thanks so much! 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